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Uxbridge Coed Slo-Pitch League
Constitution & By-Laws

Revised Date :February 1, 2022



Article 1 – Name: 

  1. The name of the Club shall be Uxbridge Coed Slo-Pitch League hereinafter referred to as “UCSL”.

Article 2 – Affiliations:

  1. The League may be affiliated with recognized sanctioned bodies and would pay appropriate membership fees/dues as would be required.

  2. See By-Laws for current affiliations, Slo-Pitch National Softball Inc. (SPN)

Article 3 – Location:

  1. The League plays in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada.

  2. See By-Laws for current Mailing address.

Article 4- Purpose:

  1. The purpose of the League shall be to promote, govern, improve, and develop the game of slo-pitch, in a responsible and organized environment for personal enjoyment and recreation of its participants, particularly at the recreational level in our community.

  2. The participants of this League and its officers are amateur athletes.

  3. The League shall be operated as a not-for-profit organization.

Article 5- By-Laws:

  1. The By-Laws appended to this Constitution shall describe the organization and function of the League Executive and the terms of membership.

  2. All By-Laws must be in accordance with recognized sanctioning bodies, except as noted and amended in the OFFICIAL RULES OF PLAY.

Article 6 – Voting Procedures:

  1. Majority rules.

  2. Motions must be seconded by a member of the League Executive.

  3. No proxy voting, unless approved by the League Executive.

Article 7 – Amendments to The Constitution:

  1. All amendments to the constitution must be voted on and passed unanimously by all current members of the League Executive. 

  2. Any amendment to the constitution may be brought to a vote by any member of the League Executive.


BY-LAW #1 - Membership: 

  1. Membership to the UCSL shall be made available to anyone (21+ years of age) who is interested in furthering the Leagues purpose. Membership to the UCSL is twelve (12) months from season enrollment. 

  2. Membership (team unit and/or players) are subject to approval by the League Executive. 

  3. The League Executive retains the right to revoke Membership at any time should a team or player conduct itself/himself/herself in any manner detrimental to the well-being of the League. 


BY-LAW #2 - Conduct: 

  1. All members (players, team captains, Executive, etc.) shall uphold, observe, and conform to the League Rules, League By-Laws and such regulations and amendments as adopted by the League Executive. 

  2. At all times, all members (players, team captains, Executive, etc.) must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner to ensure the respectability and integrity of the League and its members. No consumption of alcoholic beverages on the field, in the dugout, or in the bleachers, stands, sidelines and parking lots. Failure to conform will result in loss of all points accumulated and may result in expulsion from the League for either individual(s) and/or Team(s).



BY-LAW #3 - Membership Fees:

  1. All members (team units) must pay a membership fee as stipulated by the League Executive, within pre-defined time limits. 

  2. Membership fee is used to cover the operating costs. Operating costs may include, but are not limited to diamond permit fees, insurance, affiliation membership fees/dues, equipment that is to be supplied by the League, etc. 

  3. Membership fees shall be determined by the League Executive. 


BY-LAW #4 - Affiliation: 

  1. The League is currently registered with Slo-Pitch National Softball Inc. (SPN) 

  2. The League will recognize and uphold any suspension or expulsion of a player or team that has been extended by Slo-Pitch National Softball Inc. 

  3. The League Executive will rule on eligibility of players or teams that are under suspension by other organizations. 


BY-LAW #5 – Not-For-Profit: 

  1. The League is to be operated as a not-for-profit organization. 

  2. No profits are to be disbursed. All monies paid to the organization are used in pursuing the Leagues objectives and keeping it running. 

  3. Any profits will be used by the League for equipment replacements and improvements or League Functions etc. 


BY-LAW #6 – League Executive: 

  1. The League Executive shall consist of: 

    • a preferred number of 5 positions. 

    • a minimum of 3 positions; and

    • a maximum of 7 positions. 

  2. The following positions should be allocated: Secretary, Treasurer, and executive members.

  • Secretary: the secretary shall attend and be the secretary of all meetings of the Executive, AGM etc. The secretary shall be the custodian of all League/Corporation books, papers, records, documents and other instruments. The secretary shall provide the Executive with meeting agendas prior to scheduled meetings and record meeting minutes and distribute same. The secretary may have such powers and duties as the Executive may specify.

  • Treasurer: The treasurer will have care of funds and securities and deposit same in the name of the Corporation in such bank as directed by the Executive. The treasurer shall have such powers and duties as the Executive may specify.

  • Executive members: Collectively will be responsible for implementing the strategic plans and policies of the corporation and have shared supervision of all affairs. Also act as human resources liaison during season of play between team captains, players and League executive. The executive members shall have such powers and duties as the Executive may specify.

  1. Committees may be set up within the League Executive for a specific purpose, working or ad hoc.
    (Example: The Rules Committee, Social Committee, etc.). 


BY-LAW #7 – Elections and Terms: 

  1. Anyone who has played a full season with UCSL shall be eligible for election to the League Executives. Such member will have attended eighty percent (80%) of the scheduled games for that current season. 

  2. The names of proposed candidates should be presented to the League Executives two (2) weeks prior to The Annual General Meeting.

  3. Executives shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting by the membership present and voting.

  4. The candidate, who receives the greatest number of votes in an election for a position on the League Executive, shall be deemed to be elected.

  5. The term of office for an Executive shall be two (2) years.

  6. Incumbent Executives may be reelected.

  7. There is a (6) six-year maximum term of office, and a (2) two year minimum is recommended.


BY-LAW #9 - Signing Authority: 

  1. Signing officer must be at least two (2) but preferably three (3) League Executives. 


BY-LAW #10 – League Address: 

  1. The current mailing address for the League is:
    Uxbridge Coed Slo-Pitch League

      Goodwood Road, Uxbridge ON L9P 0N7


      Tel: (905)442-6938      Email:    Website: 


BY-LAW #11 - Annual Meetings: 

  1. The Annual Executive Meeting will be tentatively scheduled for the last week of January each year to organize the upcoming season of play. Attending at this meeting will be current and prospective League Executives. 

  2. The Annual General Meeting will be tentatively scheduled for the first week of November to review the current season of play; to review League finances, player feedback and make changes to the League for the following year. The AGM is also when new candidates can vote on to join the Executive. Attending at the AGM will be current League Executives, Team Captains as well as the current year membership will be invited. 

  3. Subsequent meetings may be scheduled as necessary. 

  4. Executive meetings may also be conducted on-line or by email. 

  5. Proxy voting is not allowed unless approved by the League Executive. 


BY-LAW #12 - Rules of Play: 

  1. The League Rules of Play shall be based on the affiliating body’s Slo-Pitch National Inc. (SPN) current rules. 

  2. Rules of Play will be reviewed and updated, as needed, each year at the Executive Meeting. 

  3. Amendments to the Rules of Play will be presented to the Team Captains at the Annual General Meeting, in accordance with the Voting Procedures. 

  4. Suggested changes to the Rules of Play may be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

  5. All players will sign off that they have read and will conform to the Rules of Play as outlined by SPN at registration; those same Rules of Play will be readily available to all players via. 


BY-LAW #13 - League Schedules/Format: 

  1. The League Executive shall determine the season schedule and format and set out same prior to the first game of that year. Season schedule shall be posted to the UCSL website and other social media pages. 

  2. Games will be called due to weather no later than one hour (1) prior to game start. This call is made by the League Executive in co-ordination with the Township of Uxbridge to protect the safety of all our players and maintain the conditions of the fields. When a game is called, such information can be found on the UCSL social media pages.


BY-LAW #14 - Code of Conduct: 

  1. UCSL will adopt the SPN Code of Conduct. 

  2. UCSL will not accept any form of abuse, verbal, physical or emotional,
    towards other players, spectators, and others, on or off the field. 

  3. UCSL will not allow any derogatory, disdainful, disparaging comments or remarks regarding any player, person, or program on the field or on any public forum, message board or bulletin board. 

  4. All players are expected to treat teammates, captains, opponents, spectators,
    and members of the League Executive with respect and courtesy. 

  5. Teammates are expected to be supportive and encouraging of each other and to promote teamwork and fun. 

  6. Failure to comply with the UCSL Code of Conduct will result in expulsion from the game, removal from the field of play and suspension from further League activity. 


BY-LAW #15 - Amendments to the By-Laws: 

  1. The BY-LAWS will be reviewed and updated, as needed, each year at the Executive Meeting.

  2. All amendments to the BY-LAWS must be voted on and passed unanimously by all current members of the League Executive.
    No vote shall be taken if any Executive are absent. 

  3. Any amendment to the BY-LAWS may be brought to a vote
    by any one member of the League Executive. 

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